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Flash ESPEasy on NodeMCU ESP32-WROOM-32

I bought some NodeMCU ESP32-WROOM-32 development boards to monitor temperatures of my central heating system with 20+ underfloor heating groups. I want to know the temperature of each group to optimize the system. I use ESPEasy because it is more or less plug-and-play. In this blog post I share how you flash and install ESPEasy on your ESP32.

The tool included in the ESPEasy download is not compatible with ESP32. To flash ESPEasy on the NodeMCU ESP32-WROOM-32 development board, you need the Espressif Flash Download Tool. Download the tool and open the tool in Developer Mode to start the Flash Download Tool.

In the image below I flashed my ESP32 with the ESP32_4M316k-factory.bin image. This image can be downloaded from the ESPEasy download page. Download the latest mega version and extract it to a location on your PC. Select the factory image and set the location to 0x00000. Last but not least, select the correct COM port and hit the START button to flash the image onto the ESP32.

Restart the ESP32 by power cycling the board. After the boot proces, an ESP Easy SSID should be visible when you're searching for Wi-Fi networks on you mobile or PC. Log in with the password configesp. After the connection is sucessfully made, a browser will open and redirect you to the ESP Easy configuration page where you are able to configure the Wi-Fi SSID.

Good luck! Share your ESPEasy project in the comments :-)